Washington County Dem Events – Tuesday, October 18

Tues, Oct. 18th – Meet & Greet with WB Superintendent Erik Olson: 7-8:30 PM

Please join us in welcoming Erik Olson, the new Superintendent of West Bend’s public schools, to our community. Mr. Olson will share his vision for our public schools and take questions from the audience. This is our opportunity to ask questions about the district’s choice to give our students standardized test after standardized test, compensate teachers based on those test scores, attempt to ignore the voice of the West Bend Education Association, cut social workers at a time when student need for social services is on the rise, hire more and more administrators at the expense of high class sizes, and more. Please attend and be a part of this important discussion!

This event is free and open to the public. Please share and bring a friend!

Tues., Oct. 18th – Feingold/Johnson Debate Watching Party: 8:30 – 10 PM

After meeting the new West Bend School District Superintendent, stick around to watch the Wisconsin U.S. Senate debate between Russ Feingold and Ron Johnson. Drinks will be provided. Please bring a snack to pass.